Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Recycling- New use for an old beer can

So I’ve had a few bulbs sitting around for a few months now, just because I couldn’t find anything to put them in.  I knew I wanted it to be something different.  So I looked around today and went through a hundred pots, old shoes, coffee cups but nothing really made me think different!

I saw a $20 laying around and thought, that would look awesome on a pot.  I wanted to recycle something, so I looked in the can outside.  The only thing in the can was a Stroh’s can. YUCK I would never drink that!  My mom sure has an acquired taste in beer.  But notice, she did save the top for a charity.  So with a old Stroh’s can, a few quick  copies of a $20, a pair of scissors, packing tape, soil and bulbs I was all set!

Recycled can

So all I did was cut the can, and used the packing tape to completely cover the paper on the can.  This will keep it from getting wet while watering, and keeps the ink from running.  I did trim the can 1 last time to make it perfect.  I chose not to put holes in the bottom, since it will be sitting on a wood surface.  I plan to make many more of these with different pictures, and plants! They will make awesome gifts.

Money pot

This one has some wildflower tulips planted in it.  So I will try to update when flowering.  I may add some moss around the top to soften up the edge and make it a little more interesting if the foliage doesn’t droop over the sides like I am hoping.




Recycling- New use for an old beer can

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